Thursday, 8 October 2015

Life in Village: The Daily Life

Hey everyone !

   About a month after having my latest films developed, I decided to post some analogue shots. I am running a series of "Life in Village", which is going to be about my hometown located in the outskirts of Drama at Northern Greece. This first part is going to be quite massive since I want to show you how I spent my days in my hometown as well as all the proximal sites I visit with my bike. I have included some unpublished shots from my last year's excursions which mainly focus on my nature loving side - horses, the river, the lush full-of-annoying-insects forest and some beautiful details I noticed during my bike walks. Having such walks on my own alleviates every bad thought and refreshes my mind. Unfortunately, my analogue camera broke down during my latest bike walk this summer and I couldn't capture anything. That's why I'm solely leaning on my last year excursions. What I noticed though is that time flies tremendously slowly in the countryside and nothing had really changed in the one year period between my two visits.  

   Except for the shots I take during my bike walks, I am including some details from my grandfather's garden, which is full of crops, beautiful flowers, some pollinating flying insects and grapes. Shots in this chapter are partly derived from my last year trips to my hometown too.

   In general terms, I just can't express how much I love photography and how much it has helped me overcome difficult situations. After 4,5 years of active involvement, I am now sure that I am never going to give it up. This is my personal castle, my refuge which I only have access in. People browse through my photos and express their feelings but they are never going to understand how I felt while taking them, what feelings arose in my heart, what kind of memories are recalled and what's the feeling behind the scene. It's something I only share with myself. Most people tell me that there's a melacholic tone in most of them. I couldn't agree more.

   2nd part is going to be about my day trip to Bulgaria, some beaches shots from Kavala and a devastated bus I came across. I also visited the top of the proximal mountain and took some analogue shots of the cows, but all of them turned out either blurred or of low quality. Nevermind, I will just keep them in my mind !

This road leads where the heart is.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The Benaki Museum

Hello everyone!

   I am visiting quite a great amount of museums lately. I found out that I do love museums, especially when I visit them on my own, without someone to disturb me or to be hasty on passing over the art pieces quickly so we can leave. I also realised I drain a vast part of my inspiration off them. It is of great pleasure to state that I admire the way art is preserved in greek museums. Not only did every single museum I visited employed many keepers - who were really focused on their task - but also the humidity's and temperature's levels were strickly regulated. The art pieces were protected behind glasses and I also noticed special infrastructure for blond and deaf people too.

   Some of the museums I visited are The Benaki Museum, The Byzantine and Christian Museum and the Acropolis Museum to name just a few. I am sharing some analogue b/w shots from the former. Although I have loads of shots corresponding to the other museums, I am going to make a novel post for them.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

On Holidays! - Ios Island (3rd Part)

Hey everyone!

   It's been months since I last updated my blog. My schedule is quite crazy and I don't really find spare time not only to blog, but also to meet friends or organise photography things and stuff. Blogging is just amazing, I always loved sharing my artwork with fellows and listening to any judge. I'm up to some great ideas lately too - analogue black and white portraits, I'm on the way but I still need more. Photography is my way of expression and I lately realised it's roughly 5 years I'm involved in it. That's just incredible for me. Everywhere I look, art is all I see. Everything is a source of inspiration. My life would be just boring wthout all this. 

   I am going to publish more photos from summer's excursions - I've got plenty of photos still not shared.